Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Timely New Word

In honor of today's announcement that the federal government now bans truck drivers from texting while driving, I give you

intexticated: distracted state caused by texting on a cellphone while driving a vehicle

I for one am relieved. Now let's ban it for everyone.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Today's Words/description of MondayMe

hebetude: a state of mental lethargy or dullness.

stupefaction: noun: a feeling of stupefied astonishment
noun: marginal consciousness

Can one be stupefied by one's own stupefaction? My hebetude prevents me from figuring this out right now.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I'm impressed.

So far I think this is much easier to use than Wordpress. I may dump them.

Hello World :-)

This is my first post to my new Blogger Blog. Yay.